Multi-Asset strategy

Re-thinking the multi-asset strategy beyond tradition

ARO Asset Management Multi-asset strategy re-thinking beyond tradition

Seeking to navigate the complexities of global markets and secure consistent long-term growth?

Our Multi-Asset Strategy offers a dynamic approach, venturing beyond traditional frontiers to unlock diverse opportunities while prioritizing diversification and controlled risk.

At ARO Asset Management, we re-think traditional asset allocation and REITs: While attractive in their own right, REITs are just one piece of the puzzle. Our multi-asset strategy leverages deeply discounted Closed-End Funds (CEFs) and Investment Trusts to access diverse asset classes with potential for enhanced returns.

Global Equities

Access established markets like the S&P 500 alongside high-growth potential in emerging and frontier markets, all through strategically chosen CEFs and Trusts.

Fixed income

Secure stable income through a blend of developed and emerging market bonds, navigating interest rate fluctuations with agility.

Alternative Investments

Explore the potential of private equity, hedge funds, and other non-traditional assets for unique diversification and potentially higher returns.

Commodities & Resources Equities

Gain exposure to dynamic markets like oil, metals, and agriculture through specialized vehicles and scrips, offering diversification and potential inflation protection.

Direct Real Estate Investment

Invest in diverse real estate assets globally without the hassle of direct ownership, utilizing deeply valued, high yielding CEFs and trusts focused on specific property types or regions.

Corporate Debt Opportunities

Tap into the potential of discounted corporate debt securities through dedicated funds, offering attractive yields and income streams.

Re-thinking Asset Allocation
Re-thinking Numbers

The Engine Behind Our Strategy

We believe in personalized investment solutions, that align with your unique risk tolerance, investment goals and horizons.

Data-Driven Insights

We leverage sophisticated analytics to identify promising opportunities across continents and asset classes.

Dynamic Asset Allocation

Our flexible approach constantly adjusts your portfolio based on real-time market data and evolving economic conditions.

Experienced Portfolio Management

Our team of experts possesses extensive knowledge of diverse asset classes and global markets.

Ready to chart your course to global growth? Contact ARO.

Discover how our Multi-Asset Strategy can empower you to achieve your financial goals.

ARO Asset Management AG
Chemin du Vuasset 2, 1028 Préverenges, Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 575 1333

Supervised by OSIF, authorised by FINMA.

© 2024 ARO Asset Management