Thematic Investment

Investing with a Purpose, 
Shaping a Brighter Future

ARO Asset Management AG Thematic Investment with a Purpose, Shaping a Brighter Future

The power of investments extends far beyond just generating returns.

At ARO Asset Management, Thematic Investing options allow you to align your financial goals with positive global impact.

Choose Your Cause, Invest in Change

Our proactive, research-driven equity strategy empowers clients to navigate these high-growth regions, capitalizing on market inefficiencies for potentially enhanced returns.

Climate Innovation

Harness the power of renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, and green technologies to combat climate change and pave the way for a cleaner future.

Empowering Communities

Invest in education, healthcare, and financial inclusion initiatives that uplift underserved communities and build a more equitable world.

Technological Frontier

Drive progress by backing cutting-edge advancements in artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and other transformative technologies shaping the future.

Thematic Investment without compromise

Thematic investing is not just about financial returns; it’s about investing in a future you believe in. Embrace your values, generate financial growth, and make a lasting impact. ARO you investments.

Rigorous Selection Process

We employ a data-driven approach, meticulously analyzing companies and funds that align with your chosen theme and demonstrate strong performance potential.

Diversification Within Focus

We align your portfolio to your investment theme, while ensuring proper diversification across geographies, industries, and asset classes, mitigating risk and maximizing diversification benefits.

Transparency and Measurable Impact

We keep you informed on your portfolio's performance and the positive impact it generates. Track the tangible difference your investments make, from reducing carbon emissions to supporting educational initiatives.

Start your journey to a purposeful portfolio. Contact ARO.

Explore our investment options and discover how your capital can empower positive change.

ARO Asset Management AG
Chemin du Vuasset 2, 1028 Préverenges, Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 575 1333

Supervised by OSIF, authorised by FINMA.

© 2024 ARO Asset Management